• Do you often feel exhausted and lethargic?
  • Would you like to feel reinvigorated, like you’ve had a brisk walk, but can’t find the time?
  • Do you find it hard to get started in the mornings?
  • Are you finding your energy levels are often low?
The FlexxiCore® Passive Exerciser combines the energizing effects of an ingenious Japanese home exercise device with the therapeutic back care benefits of specialist CPM equipment – at a fraction of the cost. It takes only five to ten minutes a day, and users have reported feeling more vitality and better able to deal with life’s challenges.

You just lie down, put your feet up, and let the FlexxiCore’s robust motor do all the work. An elegant and rhythmic wave of oscillating “goldfish” movement travels through your body, releasing tension and stress, while stimulating deeper breathing and improved circulation.

Find out more about this revolutionary type of passive exercise.