Preparing and Recovering Holistically After Double Hip Replacement
Preparing and Recovering Holistically After Double Hip Replacement
Article originally published in Positive Health magazine issue 300, February 2025
In April 2023, I underwent double hip replacement surgery—a transformative experience that taught me the importance of preparation and recovery. Having spent two years relying on crutches due to limited mobility during the pandemic, my muscles had experienced significant atrophy. This left me determined to approach my surgery and recovery with as much care and intention as possible.
Eight months prior to the operation, I committed to weekly somatic and physiotherapy sessions. These weren’t just physical preparations; they were lessons in unlearning the bad habits I’d developed. Years of restricted movement had altered my posture and biomechanics, so these sessions helped retrain my body and prepare it for the challenges ahead. The work was as much about awareness as it was about strengthening.
A crucial tool in this journey was the FlexxiCore Challenger – a Whole Body Vibration device. With its ability to assist in muscle activation even during limited movement, it became my daily companion. Before surgery, I’d lie on the floor, place my legs over the machine with my ankles off the surface, and let it work its magic. The gentle vibrations helped release pent-up stress from my body, ensuring I maintained some muscle engagement despite my restricted activity levels.
Post-surgery, the FlexxiCore Challenger became an even more indispensable aid to my recovery. I used it once or twice daily, especially welcome on those damp and chilly English days when stiffness seemed to take hold. The vibrations not only eased the stiffness, but also supported the work of rebuilding strength in my legs and lower abdomen. A typical 10-minute session would leave me feeling invigorated and more mobile.
One of my favourite post-surgery exercises involved placing my feet up on the Challenger’s platform, performing a deep tuck bridge. This movement activated my lower abdominal muscles very effectively, giving me a sense of control and progress in my recovery journey. The simplicity of the exercise belies its effectiveness, making it accessible even for those like me in the early stages of rehabilitation.
For anyone preparing for or recovering from hip replacement surgery, I can’t recommend the FlexxiCore Challenger enough. It’s a versatile tool that complements physiotherapy and personal recovery routines beautifully. A word of warning, though: once your friends try it, you might find them visiting more often, tea in hand, ready to experience its benefits for themselves!
My recovery journey reinforced the importance of holistic preparation, combining physical tools, professional guidance, and self-awareness. Whether you're facing surgery or navigating life afterward, finding the right practices and tools can make all the difference. With dedication and the right support, the road to recovery can be as transformative as the surgery itself.
Further Information and Special Offer
Carolyn Wade can be contacted at
Energy for Health are offering a 20% discount on the FlexxiCore Challenger: quote PHCW25
For further information please contact Energy for Health on Tel: 01934 257066;
Supervised Use of the FlexxiCore in a Clinic Context – by Healthcare Author, Maggie Tisserand, covering her personal experience – including a family member – and Maggie’s research into Case Studies of the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser
A class of passive exercisers that stimulate the nervous system, mobilise the back and release tension was invented in Japan about 20 years ago. The initial design was intended to accommodate use in the home. I came across this original machine - the Sun Ancon® - about 8 years ago, and was fascinated by the dynamic effect of the simple sideways movement. I purchased a Sun Ancon for personal use, and have used it regularly over the years, partly as a very pleasant antidote to the many hours I spend as a writer in front of a computer screen.
More recently I was introduced to the FlexxiCore® Passive Exerciser; an advanced product with variable speed controls and other programming. The additional functionality of the FlexxiCore - especially the option of using a gentle starting speed - is of particular benefit to people with sensitivity of some sort or deep-seated health issues. This has allowed healthcare practitioners to use them as an adjunct to treatments in clinic, especially for clients with conditions that they feel may respond well to the gentle action of the FlexxiCore.

A member of my family, who is registered as 'legally blind' and therefore restricted in her exercise and fitness options, has a history of being overweight and lethargic; I decided to purchase a FlexxiCore for her. The results were so immediate (increased energy levels, followed by a gradual loss of body fat leading to a better body shape, and a general 'feeling of calmness') that I became even more intrigued by what happens within the body when the feet are swung in this simple way. I have a long-standing working relationship with Japan and was inspired to investigate the source of wisdom that gave rise to the invention of these machines.
Kakuichi Kato lives near Tokyo and has helped me in the past with research work in Japan. I was amazed to discover that he was a student of the Nishi-shiki Method back in the 1970s - and that Mr Nishi, the founder, encouraged the practice of what he called 'goldfish exercise' long before these machines were invented.
Having gone back in history to grasp how the Japanese came to recognize the value of swinging the legs in this way, I decided to follow the story through to understand how healthcare professionals are now making use of these machines. I discovered that some trials with practitioners of various disciplines had been conducted by Energy for Health, the suppliers of the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser. I decided to conduct a review of the results of those trials, particularly where the practitioners had done case studies on clients with specific conditions. The remainder of this article summarizes the results of my review.
Broadly speaking, five categories of benefits were observed across the trials:
- Stress relief (at both mental and physical levels);
- Boosting of energy;
- Improved circulation;
- Back care benefits (including increased mobility of joints and better posture);
- Better sleep.
Many participants saw multiple benefits, whilst a smaller number of people saw a significant improvement in a specific area, such as digestive system benefits through the effect of the 'goldfish' movement massage of the internal organs. To give an overview of the trials I have chosen five case studies to illustrate the benefits obtained over the main categories; the names of participants have been changed to protect confidentiality.
The results are based on the session records kept by the practitioners in a diary format, with clients' comments recorded alongside the practitioners' own observations of progress. A questionnaire was in each case completed by both client and practitioner at the end of the 30-day trial period.
Case Study A - Stress Relief
Client, 'Ben', presented with a long list of symptoms, many related to his longstanding Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) condition. A highly qualified and sensitive person, Ben had tried many therapies including psychotherapy and cranial sacral therapy. He had been prescribed various medications and had also tried many supplements, but found "none very effective". He described his hopes for the opportunity to use the FlexxiCore like this: "To help me 'let go' of perpetual contracted body. Help 'loosen' frozen energy in my body and thus feel more alive. Help alleviate any of my many symptoms."
After 14 sessions on the FlexxiCore under the supervision of his therapist, Ben reported many benefits particularly with release of tension and stress - on both a physical and mental level. Specifically he found that he was enjoying improved mental clarity and ability to focus, and was able to cope better with his workload. He described a definite change in his sense of well-being, and a very noticeable "greater sense of self". As well as feeling calmer and more relaxed, he noticed better energy levels and improved sleep.
In terms of his physical symptoms, Ben reported increased mobility of joints / muscles, and less tension in back, neck and shoulders; but felt he needed more time to enjoy the full benefits at this level. In fact Ben went on to buy a FlexxiCore so that he could use it regularly.
Case Study B - Boosting Energy
The client in this case, 'Jane', suffered from the energy imbalances associated with ME, along with sleep disorders and anxiety. She had previously tried acupuncture, yoga, cognitive behavioural therapy. Her current therapist - who conducted the trials with the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser - had been giving her regular massage. Jane had also been prescribed anti-anxiety medications by her GP.
During Jane's first three sessions (of 2 minutes' duration each), she was "trying hard not to tense up"; during the next three 5-minute sessions she started to learn how to relax more and by Session 6 was reporting that it "felt good". By Session 7 she "was really liking it" and her session times then increased to 10 minutes. In Session 10 she remarked that she was "really feeling a surge of energy afterwards" and by Session 13 she was noticing "lots more energy after using the machine".
Apart from the boost to her energy levels, Jane reported improvements in terms of tension and stress levels, better posture and a general sense of well-being. She said it "took a while to get used to, but once I did, I really liked it, and felt much more energized and calmer after using it."
Her therapist commented that "it took 5 - 6 sessions for her to learn to relax, but then she saw good benefits with her energy levels. Having seen such good results with my client on the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser, I would love to be able to offer it to other ME sufferers and those with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome."
Case Study C - Better Circulation
This client had a multi-factor history of joint and muscle pain, poor circulation (resulting in oedema), breathing and heart disorders, and back problems. These conditions were accompanied by depression. Jim had a long list of prescribed medications but reported that he had "sought help from the NHS, but apart from medication, they couldn't help." His main reasons for wanting to trial the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser were to get relief from pain, and also to exercise the body, as he was unable to participate in active exercise.
With his delicate state in mind, Jim's therapist introduced him to the FlexxiCore gently, starting with very short sessions and the gentle starting speed of 80 beats per minute. By Session 4 he was "beginning to feel tingling in my feet." In Session 6 he said "Feel much better each time," and in Session 7: "Health seems to be improving." By Session 11 he reported: "Circulation improved, stature improved, and sleeping better." By Session 14 he reported "feeling in feet improved, standing tall, feeling good. Find the FlexxiCore extremely helpful."
After the 14 sessions of his trial Jim listed the following benefits:
- Improved circulation;
- Less stressed;
- Helped Back, Neck & Shoulders;
- Increased energy;
- Decreased tension;
- More relaxed;
- Deeper breathing;
- Better posture;
- Increased mobility of joints / muscles - Knees, Ankles, Hips;
- Helped cope with work load;
- Increased mental clarity / alertness;
- Improved concentration / focus;
- Improved general wellbeing.
Case Study D - Back Care
The client's back problems related to an operation on the spine to remove a benign tumour. Her therapist in this case was very supportive of Helen's determination not to accept the pessimistic prognosis of the spinal specialist - which was that she had little hope of recovering without need for a wheelchair. Other symptoms included muscle pain, energy imbalances, exhaustion, asthma ("used to be bad but not too serious now"), and constipation (related to strong painkillers).
The primary reason for treatment with the FlexxiCore was to help reduce pain, improve mobility and relax. Other reasons were to help energy levels, and loosen muscles generally, particularly the shoulders and legs.
After only 11 sessions Helen reported that regular use of the FlexxiCore had helped greatly to release tension in the back, neck and shoulders. She reported increased mobility of joints and muscles in the same areas, better posture, and that her legs were in more control. In this regard the therapist's comments were: "all over looser, stirring back to life, helping build new neural pathways."
Having missed a FlexxiCore session after the 10th one, Helen said she noticed some stiffening up and felt that the relaxation and loosening-up effects were more due to use of the FlexxiCore than the concurrent acupuncture treatment, although she attributed pain relief to both. At this point she decided to purchase a FlexxiCore for use at home.
Other benefits reported by Helen were increased energy, deeper breathing and an improved sense of general wellbeing. Overall, she said she had been given a feeling of hope for the future, having originally been told that the tumour would grow back slowly. In general, she reported that she was feeling more able to cope with future treatment.
The spine specialist, who had confirmed that it was medically acceptable to use the FlexxiCore, was pleasantly surprised by the benefits derived from this and the other holistic treatments Helen had received.
Case Study E - Improved Sleep
Mary had a history of sleep disorders, headaches, poor digestion and painful knees. Her therapist's main objectives with the FlexxiCore were:
- Improved sleep;
- Reduction in headaches;
- General relaxation.
Mary found her sessions with the FlexxiCore very helpful, particularly on days that had been stressful.
After twelve sessions she not only reported improved sleep and feeling calmer, but also increased mental clarity and alertness. In addition, the release of tension helped with her back: "Tension ebbed as weeks went on. My body alignment is now excellent. ....This machine is ingenious....."
Practitioners' Own Use
As well as giving trial sessions to selected clients, practitioners were of course able to use the FlexxiCore freely themselves. Their findings were summarised by Hannah McDonald in Issues 125 and 141 of Positive Health. Here is just one example of a therapist who gained significant benefits personally.
Jacqueline Pinkham MAR LCIC who practices Reflexology and Indian Head Massage in Dorset, says she found the FlexxiCore excellent for clients with back pain, whiplash and neck injury, joint problems including arthritis, high stress levels and low energy levels. Even therapists occasionally need help with health matters; Jacqueline experienced a transformation in her own health, having suffered for 7 years from debilitating arthritis. "Although I know I still have arthritis - from odd twinges here and there - I no longer need to take pain killers and can walk much further than I used to. I can walk up and down slopes and hills (always problematical before getting my FlexxiCore), and I can get out of bed normally, whereas I used to feel like a 90-year old, as it took such a long time.
FlexxiCore is the Registered Trade Mark for the machine on which this article is based. The original version of this article in 2010 used the term “Surge of Chi Exerciser”, the name of the machine when it was used in the Practitioner Trials which the author refers to; it was in fact the same machine - currently available as the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser - which was used in the trials that are the subject of this article.
This article was originally published in Positive Health magazine – issue 177 – December 2010
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Healthy Child with Dr. Ranj - A Special Issue For Mums
In his Special Issue "Healthy Mums" Dr Ranj Singh, the TV Doctor,best selling author, and Sunday Times columnist gave this editorial view on the value of Whole Body Vibration training for Mums
"Vibration training machines such as those found in gyms or at home trigger muscle responses in a high-intensity rhythm, designed to improve flexibility and strength with minimal effort on your part. Energy waves sent through the body by the vibrating platform make the muscles contract faster, burning more calories in a shorter time.
This technology is not suitable for use while you are pregnant, but after giving birth it's the ideal way to stimulate circulation and reduce liquid retention, without putting unnecessary stress on joints."
Dr Ranj BSc (Hons) MBBS MRCPCH (@drranj)
We were invited to contribute an article on our FlexxiCore products to accompany his advice (see below and pages 46 & 47 in the Healthy Child magazine).
Trial Results at the London Back Pain Show reinforce the benefits of FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser First published in Positive Health magazine, issue 217 - October 2014
“Continuous Passive Motion” [CPM] equipment is used clinically to prevent joint stiffness1 and provide stimulus to joint regeneration processes2. CPM has been used to treat low back pain with clinically significant results3. By creating a sideways oscillating motion through the spine, the flow of synovial fluid between the discs can be encouraged, helping to reduce inflammation and ease pain, as well as improving range of motion.
The FlexxiCore® Passive Exerciser combines the therapeutic back care benefits of CPM with the energizing and calming effects of a simple exercise machine popularised by the Japanese. The user simply lies down, puts their feet up on a cushioned cradle, and lets the FlexxiCore’s robust motor do the work. The body’s natural response to the swinging of the feet is a pleasant goldfish-like motion from the hips up, releasing tension in back, neck and shoulders, deepening respiration, and boosting circulation.
Research has shown that back pain can often be attributed to an inability to relax, physically and/or mentally4. A regular rocking motion is also known to help synchronize brain waves and calm the nervous system5. Another area of research has shown how cartilage production in degenerative joints can be stimulated by relatively small degrees of motion, thus allowing for better gliding of the joint surfaces without pain or restriction6.
At a recent Back Pain Show at Olympia, London, 50 visitors were offered a 5-minute session on the FlexxiCore, with 84% reporting having experienced stiffness or pain in their Back / Neck / Shoulders (“BNS”) recently. Each reported on what they noticed during and after a 5-minute session: 72% reported feeling more relaxed / calmer; 54% noticed a reduction in tension; 40% said it had immediately helped BNS problems; 32% reported feeling more energetic; and 85% felt the session was of benefit for their condition, including 35 of the 42 (83.3%) who had recent BNS stiffness or pain.
Case studies from Practitioner Trials with over 200 healthcare professionals have previously confirmed the FlexxiCore’s benefits with a broad range of health conditions7. One practitioner’s client had back problems following removal of a benign tumour. After just 11 sessions she reported relief of tension in the back, increased mobility, better posture, and improved feelings of hope and courage for the future.8
- O'Driscoll, SA, Nicholas J. Giori, NJ. Continuous passive motion (CPM): Theory and principles of clinical application. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development. 37 (2): 179-88. Mar-Apr 2000.
- Salter R. The biologic concept of continuous passive motion of synovial joints. The first 18 years of basic research and its clinical application. Clin Orthop Relat Res,;(242):12-25. May 1989.
- Acosta-Rua AJ, Scuderi GJ, Levine SM, et al. Treatment of subacute low back pain with a novel device for continuous passive motion of the spine. Am J Ther 15(2):176-9. Mar-Apr 2008.
- Lundberg U. Stress responses in low-status jobs and their relationship to health risks: musculoskeletal disorders. Ann N Y Acad Sci 896:162-72.; also Lundberg U. 1999. Psychological stress and musculoskeletal disorders: psychobiological mechanisms. Lack of rest and recovery greater problem than workload. Lakartidningen 100(21):1892-5. 297. 2003..
- Bayer L., Constantinescu I., Perrig S., Vienne J., Vidal P.P., Mühlethaler M., Schwartz S. Rocking synchronizes brain waves during a short nap. Curr Biol. Jun 21;21(12):R461-2. 2011.
- Viidik, A. Functional properties of collagenous tissue. Review of Connective Tissue Research 6:144–149 1970.
- McDonald, H. Clinical Relief with Use of FlexxiCore Exerciser. Positive Health. Issue 141 November 2007.
- Tisserand, M. Supervised Use of the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser in a Clinic Context. Positive Health. Issue 177. December 2010.
Further Information
To find out more Tel: 01934 257066 / 08456 120129;; for more background and to watch introductory and training videos visit