By Terri Goddard – Shiatsu & Acupressure Practitioner

"Your FlexxiCore has been really useful in rehabilitating the strained sacro-illiac joint in my right hip. This results from a long-standing and gradually worsening imbalance in my pelvis.

Over the years I have tried many treatments which helped temporarily, but nothing stabilised this condition, and I had to give up all exercise and use extreme caution to avoid shifting the S.I. joint. Two things then happened to rescue me. A Pilates teacher helped me to learn use of my muscles more evenly; and the passive exercise I get with the FlexxiCore keeps my S.I. joint mobile without straining the cartilage, nor hurting my knee and ankle. My spine isn’t thrown out of line as I am lying flat on the floor, and it is loosened and energised by the fish-like wave motion created by the Exerciser.

The FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser combined with well-supervised Pilates training is an excellent combination for conditions like mine, and I use the Exerciser with my patients as well.  It invigorates and relaxes at the same time, like my chosen therapy, Shiatsu. 

Even five minutes on the FlexxiCore makes a difference, and affects mood as well as physical stress."

For Terri’s full story, read her letter of appreciation here